Anthony Francisco: Marvel Talk
Here are some of the pictures of the event.
Our event is different than others. Our team all cosplayed and we had a big Thor wall and a Thanos statue from Disney for everyone to take photos. We have tried our best to make this event not just a talk, but more a fun festival.
Most importantly, we have an inspiring designer Anthony to share his life experience and art works and he did a demo during the talk.
After the event I have gotten so many good feedbacks like this is the best talk/forum they have ever attended… or the best workshop they have ever had.
For our team, this is the best reward!
There are people coming from Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and even flew from Singapore to attend. Thank you everyone for attending and glad that everyone had enjoyed it!
We were using a photo service called Accupai which it's updated 5 mins after the photos were taken. Everyone can scan the QR code and see the updates. It also has face recognition AI so you can find yourself and share the photo easily.
Complete event photos:
謝謝很熱心分享不藏私努力分享的Anthony Francisco、謝謝翻譯超快速又有趣的Kylie Wang、謝謝夏侯橘助贊助的手工製作服裝、謝謝Accupai雲攝影的吳少鈞跟黃呈智,即時上傳更新的活動照片超酷炫,與活動硬體支援和世創意Powell Huang。
胡創意國際論壇 HuCreates Creative Workshop (HCW),他希望回美國後還能繼續回答大家的問題,所以想說把大家聚集在社團裡,有空他就會回答。申請入社團的問題記得要回答喔!