Hu Creates Co., Ltd.

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Steven Wen: Procreate Workshop

More and more artists use Procreate with iPad to create art. It provides a way to make digital art, and we invited Steven Wen to come and share his techniques of using Procreate to draw in this three-hour workshop.

◆Speaker: Steven Wen

Steven Wen is a concept artist, illustrator and sketchbook doodler. He works as a concept/environment designer at FromSoftware in Tokyo, Japan. He had worked on AAA games such as God of War, The Order: 1886, and DarkSouls.

Steven drew two demo drawings in the workshop. While he’s drawing, he also shared his experience of working at game industry. The differences of working at companies in United States and Japan. And some advices to people who’d like to work at game industry in the future. Also, he’s participated Inktober Challenge three times, and he shared how he planned and combined all 31 prompts into an adventure story, and how he managed to complete all 31 pieces drawings during October. He also brought his stunning original hand drawings of his 2019 Inktober Challenge. (check on his IG post)

Steven used bluetooth keyboard with iPad to draw on Procreate. He introduced some useful shortcuts and also shared his thoughts on designing the proportion, perspective and lighting of drawing. It’s only a three-hour workshop but with a lot of information. Thank you, Steven!

Steven Wen’s workshop drawing demo.

Follow Steven Wen IG

Order Steven Wen’s 2019 Inktober Challenge artbook - Olympia
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Order Steven Wen’s 2018 Inktober Challenge artbook - Terrarium

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Steven Wen 的Procreate插畫工作坊圓滿結束!

也帶來今年精美的2019 Inktober原稿也拿給大家翻閱




Steven Wen,插畫家/概念藝術 (concept art) 設計師
他參與過各種美國與日本AAA等級的遊戲製作 (高製作預算、高行銷成本的遊戲)
例如:《戰神:斯巴達的亡魂》、《教團: 1886》、《黑暗靈魂》...等經典遊戲!

曾就讀於洛杉磯 Art Center College of Design設計藝術中心學院

歡迎follow Steven的IG

購買Steven 2019年Inktober挑戰的畫冊 - Olympia

購買Steven 2018年Inktober挑戰的畫冊 - Terrarium
